JC Zondi

What is your favourite word?

Words are endlessly fascinating, brimming with expressions even in their simplest form. They possess the power to love, to hate, to incite wars, and to bring about peace. I live in a world, mostly in my mind were words fascinate me. Because I am fascinated by words, I get the urge to write using words, I comment and express.

For this writing, which will be part of many short writings, I went on a journey of asking, I wanted to know one thing from my friends, family and colleagues.

What is your favourite word?

I received so many different, wonderful, and interesting responses that I included them in a draft of writings I have been working on. Each word given seemed almost new in how it was perceived by the individual. I will randomly share these words and their definitions as provided by different people. I will not provide any context; it will be just me, you, and a randomly defined word in the eyes of somewhat a “stranger” to you as the reader. However, perhaps through that word, you might find a connection. Thank you to those who contributed, and to the future individuals who will contribute to this exchange of words. Without any further ado, here is the first word.


Def. lasting for a limited time

“It makes me both relieved and sad. Relieved because that means the bad times will soon be over. And sad because it means the good times will soon be over”


© Words by JC Zondi

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